Friday, November 8, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

murex ramosus

yesterdays drawing, Murex Ramosus
by the way, all of the photos are tilted or done under some funny angle on purpose

in the beginning...

kolp mille joonistasin nädal tagasi natuurist, tegemist on anatoomikumi eksponaadiga sp ka sildid otsaesisel.

drew this one a week ago, property of anatomical theatre, that's why there's labels on forehead

The first of many

Esiteks tänan kõiki, kes juhtuvad vaatama mu blogi, nendele, kes minu tegemiste kohta liiga palju ei tea (ja neid on palju !) saavad nüüd mu loominguga tutvuda. Tegemist on mõnede näidetega minu töödest, et näha mu  ülejäänud teoseid tuleb külastada minu stuudiot.
 Mainin veel seda, et joonistused on originaalteosed see tähendab, et tegemist ei ole fotode pealt kopeeritud või teiste kunstnike teoste pealt kopeeritud plagiaatidega

First of all I thank all of you who happen to read this blog, for those who don't know much about me or about my doings (and there are many !) now you have the chance to see some. Here are some examples of my work, to see the rest and the best of it you have to visit my studio.
 I should mention that all of the drawings are originals that means they are not copied from some photos neither some other artists work.

